Tudor Kentwell from the eyes of a reenactor

What it's like behind the tudor recreations at Kentwell Hall (www.kentwell.co.uk)

Location: United Kingdom

I LOVE social history.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Post-Main Event

oh, where to start! I did all the weekends of the main event and wish to write about it, but i just can't remember all that happened!
It was great and i enjoyed every moment. I was in the dairy again and so was making yet more cheese and butter, the last weekend (preparations for the Queen's visit) saw that the cheese was shaped into an 'E', a crown and a Tudor rose!
I tried my hand at archery, which i have not done since i was about 11, and fired my arrows quite but did not hit the targets but the pole the popinjay hangs from.
I taught myself how to spin and a friend from the woolshed helped me make my very own spindle!
The last day was spent as mistress of the dairy, which I found to be odd as a maid who was twice my age kept asking me what I wished her to do!
I managed to take a few pictures, mainly stills of various parts of the manor, once they have been developed and scanned into the computer i shall post a few!

Oh how i wish i was still there,
Annis x


Blogger Karen Guthrie said...

hi annis - lovely to see you online and briefly in person too this event! we're just home, tired but happy....
karen aka ann the limner

1:17 PM  

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